Enjoy Free Kindle Science Fiction Books, Including Unprepared by Norita Sieffert, Deals!

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Free Kindle Books – Science Fiction

  1. *** Science Fiction
  2. **Unprepared by Norita Sieffert. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, Dystopian. Rated: 4.4 stars on 61 Reviews. 521 pages. ASIN: B00ZSUE1MK.
  3. ***Emergence (The Valmoran Chronicles Book 1) (Deal, Not Free) by Poppy Orion. Price: $0.99. Genre: Space Opera Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Microbiologist Kat Miller’s career is over, her body is failing, and there is worse. Rated: 4.1 stars on 125 Reviews. 349 pages. ASIN: B0D4JJ6T8S.
  4. *Family of Farmers (Paperback Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $13.12. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A world where one’s field is not just a piece of land but a reflection of their identity. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 181 pages. ASIN: 1035833301. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, and here, please.
  5. *Wake of Deception (The Wake Trilogy Book 1) by Sasha DeVore. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, Dystopian. Rated: 4.8 stars on 25 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B01M29SA9W.
  6. ***To the Stars – A Classic Sci-Fi Adventure of Daring Space Exploration (Deal, Not Free) by L. Ron Hubbard. Price: $7.99. Genre: Space Exploration Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A brilliant exploration of the vastness of space and the tragedy of those who would conquer it. Rated: 4.7 stars on 165 Reviews. 210 pages. ASIN: B00704TSCA. Also, get the eBook version here, and here, and the paperback version here, and here, please. Thank you! NY Times Bestselling Author L. Ron Hubbard.
  7. *The Fast Track 2 – A Gripping Adventure in a Post-Truth Future (The Dance of Truth and Lies) by Tom Draycott. Price: Free. Genre: AI Thriller, Sponsor, Power, ambition and technology. Rated: 4.6 stars on 11 Reviews. 213 pages. ASIN: B0DKH8PPNH.

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